The SHINE Club copywrite program of V. Ophelia Rigault & Real Talk Solutions . The SHINE Club provides a safe and empowering space for self-identifying BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People Colour) racialised children to build positive racial identity, self-love, connect to the community, and confidence within themselves in schools and in their community.



The SHINE Club utilizes a train-the-trainer model where Racialized BIPOC educators and/or community members are trained to be SHINE Club Facilitators to provide a transformative and empowering space dedicated to fostering positive racial identity, self-love, community connection, and confidence in Racialized BIPOC children.


Shine MissionAt the heart of our work, there is a deep partnership with our community to build nurturing neighbourhoods, where children can feel that they belong.

Together, we work to:

  • Support individual children and their loved ones to build resilience around experiencing racial encounters.
  • Educate individuals and organizations on the impact of racism on children, their families and the community.
  • Organize and advocate for systemic and social change required to racism.


  • We understand the resiliency and bravery of racialized BIPOC children, their families and communities who have and are experiencing racism and continue to survive and thrive.
  • We are guided by the voice of racialized BIPOC children - who at times do not have a voice, but whose experiences we respect and honour and guide all the decisions we make in our programming.
  • We ground everything we do in an anti-racist, anti-oppressive framework, intersectional and trauma-informed approach, including learning from struggles and movements against racism and other forms of oppressions.
  • This means we are committed to recognizing and challenging the lack of accessible, appropriate services for racialized BIPOC children, their families, and communities.
  • We particularly recognize the impact of colonization and racism on Black and Indigenous Peoples and other BIPOC communities.
  • We seek to identify and remove barriers that might exist for the communities we serve in accessing our programs and services. We know that our greatest partner is our community; they are a key target for change, and we can’t achieve our goals without them.
  • We use a trauma-informed approach to our work, in recognition of the profound effect that systemic racism has on racialized BIPOC children, their families and communities.


Shine Club Value'sThe SHINE Club’s goal is to create a supportive environment where racialized BIPOC children can learn to embrace their unique identities and feel empowered to shine their brightest. We believe that every child deserves to feel confident and proud of who they are, and we want to help make that a reality for racialized BIPOC children in our community.

Through fun and engaging activities, the SHINE club will provide children with the tools they need to build a positive self-image, connect with their peers, and develop a strong sense of community. We are committed to creating a space where children can feel safe, respected, and valued.


Shine Club logoThe SHINE Club logo is designed to symbolize the child, facilitator, and community leaders involved in the program. We are the 'I' in SHINE.

The colours used, such as yellow, green, and red, represent hope, grounding, happiness, and inspiration. These colours also reflect diversity, as they can be found in various flags worldwide. The sun above the word "shine" signifies aspirations of hope.